Fujikawa Tenjin Shrine



Fujikawa Tenjin, also known as "Sugawara Shrine," is dedicated to the god of learning, Sugawara no Michizane. Sugawara is said to have retired to Fujikawa Kitano after being relegated to Dazaifu. The shrine was renovated in 1998 and hosts numerous festivals every year. The busiest festival is held during the exam season, when students come to pray for success in their exams.

In addition, the plum garden at Fujikawa Tenjin is believed to have been personally planted by Michizane Sugawara and now boasts nearly 300 plum trees, 55 of which have been recognized as national natural monuments. The beautiful plum blossoms are in full bloom every year from mid-February to early March, making this a must-visit attraction.



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